The papers, the tests, the 8am classes, the 7pm classes, the text books, the group projects, the long walks from Head Hall (the girls dorm) to Hathcock (academic building) when it's cold and rainy in the morning, the night I cut my hand and had to get stitches the night before finals, long nights in the library--it was all worth it! It was also worth the fun times--being on the soccer team, playing music in chapel, studying abroad and doing mission work in England, ACC TACKLING TOCCOA IN SOCCER!, the awesome professors, the High School Musical routine for the Christmas concert (even though I'm not a fan of musicals at all, it was hilarious!), messy wiffle ball on Tuesdays (even though I just stood on the sideline and took pictures!), being on the Sunday Nights team, running the ACC Mile for the first time, late nights at Dwarf House, early mornings in McKinney's--who knew it will all lead me here? I guess when I first showed up on campus back in Fall of 2006 with my dad's truck loaded with dorm accessories from Target, I had in mind that I would someday graduate. However, it still seemed so far away. I remember thinking, "2010?! Ha! That's ages away, I have plenty of time." But like they always say, time flies when you're having fun. So maybe that's what college is about. Having a blast for four years straight and getting a degree at the same time!
Sounds awesome, doesn't it? Well, while that is true, I feel like my ACC experience has been so much more than that. I have grown and learned SO much from the people here. God has shown me so much from the classroom to the cafeteria to random Target runs on a Wednesday afternoon. I could go on and on with stories from these past years I've spent here and even the intervals I spent away.
So today I turn in my application to graduate and I guess I am going to move on now! But this is a great place to "move on" from. I feel like by graduating I have only stepped on a stepping block to get to God's total purpose for me. I'm glad I had this experience and I am looking forward to the rest of the year!
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