On Saturday, the 23rd of January, 1 professor, 4 ACCers, and 1 of my good friends piled in Dr. Dycus' minivan and headed to Cleveland, Tennessee for the annual Lee University Literary Symposium. While excited about hearing the various creative and critical works of college students throughout the southeast, Kaycee (second from right in the picture below) and I were busy preparing ourselves for reading our own creative works--yes, we were both accepted to present at the Symposium!
Until that day, I didn't read my poetry aloud--especially not in a public setting. Ever. For me, my poetry was just something I was supposed to express on paper or in a book, right? Wrong! Through this Symposium, I not only got the exposure (and something to add to my resume!) but the experience of doing something totally knew with something I love--writing! From what I can hear, I felt as though my work was received well...I am so glad I had a supportive professor, supportive classmates (who also make great friends) to experience that with me. I believe this experience was encouraging for all of us!
Now for a picture of the crew:
From left to right: Dr. Dycus (Head of English Department--A really awesome professor! If you happen to come to ACC, be sure to take at least one of classes--you will not regret it!), my friend Dominique (She's a Photography Major at another institution, but I brought her with me because I knew it would be worthwhile and she was great company!), Merit (one of my new friends, I just met her this semester--she's a Business Major), Me! (An English Major...whom I believe is not even looking at the camera...), Kaycee (A Humanities Major, I jokingly say I want to be her when I grow up! She really is a great person and so much fun to roadtrip with), Becca (My fellow English Major friend! Fun Fact: We actually met at an ACC visitation day in 2005--5 years ago! It's crazy that it has been that long...she's fun to be around and we've been on ACC "field trips" together in the past!).
So if you're an English major, Humanities major (like Kaycee), or just someone who enjoys to write, at ACC, you will have this to look forward to every spring semester. I regret that I did not become more involved earlier on in my college career, so that's why I am telling you guys about it!
- Morgan
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