But it's Thanksgiving, you say. Why would you have homework over Thanksgiving break?
I'm glad you asked, Blog. You see, Virginia, once you get to college, you'll think you have all this free time because you're in class for less than eight hours a day. But the workload will be far beyond what you expect and plan for. You'll start falling behind in your reading (of which there will be copious amounts), you won't keep up with all your assignments, and you will start disappointing your favorite teachers by bursting into tears when they look at you cross-eyed.
Do you speak from experience, Elizabeth?
Not at all. Why would you assume such a thing? At any rate, this, as I reminded my much beloved Charger staff, this is a working holiday. (It makes me feel very British to say that.) And because I ought to be working, I am blogging.
My father is giving me this look that says, "Elizabeth. You are a college student and I know you have homework. Why don't you put your laptop down and work on your homework? I think you'd be happier in the long run if you would stop fooling around on the internet and pick up that book you've been complaining about for so long." My father has very expressive looks.
Oh wait. He just picked up my book and began flipping through it. I bet he starts reading it next. Never fear. I have multiple books that require my attention over the break. I'd planned on doing some pleasure reading. That was a pipe dream. BUT!
But I wasn't joking when I said I had gobs of homework to do. I'd best get on that. It was lovely having lunch with you, Blog. Let's do it again soon, shall we?
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