Thursday, May 27, 2010

You Ready ACC?

Last Saturday was the first LINK @ ACC for the 2010-11. I had the opportunity to lead worship alongwith my sister Morgan (piano, guitar), new friend Matt (drums) my friend Mandy (bass, vocals) and just plain ole Greg on guitar and vocals.. haha I kid I kid he's my friend too. (So you know, I put all of their roles up there incase you were there and didn't get to formally meet them all.)

I was singing and just having an awesome time worshipping with fellow students, a former student (my sister - class of '10 - sniff!) and all of the future ACC students and their parents. We sang some songs, heard from President Collins and Mr. Huxford and the day continued with registration and school info etc etc :)

I am also... (drumroll please!) a CLM. Woo!!

CLM = Campus Life Minister. (definition) one who lives on your floor and stuff. :)

Basically, as CLM's we are RA's, but through our individual walks with God and the experiences at ACC, we are growing closer to Him and want to grow with you! I am one of the freshmen girl's CLMs and I cannot wait for the Fall semester to start. Really... I can't wait. :)


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