Monday, May 7, 2012

Long time; No post

I figure now's as good a time as any to post, since I know I have not posted here in forever. Basically, the semester's wrapping up WAY too quickly for me to be happy. I have to say that this past year has been the best one so far (out of the past two, anyways). In less than a week I will be moving from the house I have learned to love, and loved to learn the idiosyncricies of (the Redmon House), into the standard-issue student apartments.

This past Friday, however, was our last spring formal in Atlanta before the move to West Point, and it went so much better than I was expecting. With being the SGA treasurer, I got to see the behind the scenes workings, and was really worried about how it would turn out - since a lot of things were being done different (we had a real photo booth instead of a photographer, for instance - see above). But all in all  it went super smoothly, and it was a lovely evening. I even got to take the leftover cakes to the house for the guys - since what better way to get rid of three extra cakes than to give them to a house full of 7 guys!

I was accompanied by my wonderful date (and girlfriend), and we enjoyed a dinner beforehand with about 9 other friends of ours in midtown right off of Peachtree Street, and wandered around some (attempted to go to the top of the Sundial, until we found out it was $6/person) before going back to Piedmont for the nights festivities. Once there, we ran into Jamie-Grace who was making an appearance, and we all got to catch up while riding the golf-carts to the venue. But, that was almost topped once I got to taste the Reese's chocolate fountain provided by the caterers. Mind. Blown.

And once we got it all packed up, my girlfriend and I made our way to Dwarf House, and had late-night chicken biscuits until we could barely stay awake (well, we had one each, but we were exhausted - it was 3:00 by the time we got back to campus, after all). Needless to say, I have spent the last 48 hours playing catch-up on sleep...luckily I don't have any finals tomorrow...haha.

This week will truly be bittersweet, but the future is brighter than ever for not only myself, but for Point University - so I'm excited to see what happens for everyone!

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