Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Empty shelf, full heart...

Something that I never want to see again... an empty bookshelf. As you can tell, I am all moved out from school and back home in South Carolina. I finished taking my finals on Wednesday and bid farewell to the good ol' ACC campus on Thursday.

Since then I have been staying busy getting ready for my near departure to Kenya. Preparations have included getting my final immunizations as well as completing paperwork. In a way I still feel like I am in school... everyday there is some form of "work" to do for my internship. More importantly, ALL of my financial support has been provided for. Last week God showed up in many miraculous ways. One sponsor provided me with $1,642. Another gave me $600. And a complete stranger wrote me a check for $634. Throughout preparing for my summer away, I am constantly being surprised by the different emotions I am experiencing. Perhaps my most overwhelming emotion is one of gratitude. I feel like I have been encompassed by a wave of supporters on every side. Whether it is through anonymous giving or fellow students buying muffins, I have such gratitude that I am not alone in my adventure.

Last week one of my fellow students said, "We leave our families to go live with strangers at college. At the end of the year we leave our families to go back home." That statement could not be more true. I left my ACC family on Thursday; now I just need to spend time with my own before I hope the great pond in fifteen days. Yes... life is good without textbooks.

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