Thursday, October 14, 2010


Ministry, the act of serving. Not to be served, but being the servants God has called us to be. Today we went to the City of Refuge and experienced many things. Some experienced separating clothes, washing windows, mopping floors, and picking up trash around the city of Atlanta. I myself got to interact with the people. I met some very interesting people, and although they were homeless, they had insight of who God was and what it meant to serve and not be served. I spoke with a lady named Tennette and she stayed in the homeless shelter, and she really didn't have much. I asked her what she wanted to do in life, her response? SERVE, that just blew me because she didn't have much herself, but she still wants to serve others, and to glorify God in what she does. We should learn to be more like Tennette, willing to give God our all, and Glorify Him in everything we do. Ministry day should be everyday because its's not about us, it's about loving each other and showing the love of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ Served all his life, so should we.


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