Monday, November 14, 2011

THE REAL...Life at Point

What is life really like at Point you ask?

Well, let me just tell you about it... Do you see the two girls and guy in the picture at the top of this page? They are my friends :)
This picture is so welcoming if you ask me. Point is filled with faces like these! The pictures on the billboards as you drive down the roads, the faces on the website, the personalities you meet at our Point University booths during conventions...It is all real. We love where we are in life. Life at this school is different from your average university in Atlanta. We party a different kind of way if you catch my drift.

God has blessed me so much by allowing me to come to this school! I look at my life, beginning and end, and I think...I will never again get the chance to be in a Christian environment such as this! A place filled with loving, yet struggling believers; the same age as me, going through the same kind of life obstacles, and relationship struggles, etc. College just amazes me!

Where am I going with this blog...? Point has a crew of students that head up "Sunday Nights Live," which is a student led worship service every Sunday night. Tonight was so special to me and many other students. A wide variety of students took their turn on the stage to sing and worship God with the talents He blessed them with. This night of worship was so special because it was filled with family. There are many special moments that occur on this campus among our college family. When school is stressful, we can unwind and worship our God together, as one body. Now, I don't usually go on these corny tangents about college families and Jesus, but tonight has just reminded me what life is all about. College is just something "I have to do in life in order to be some what successful..." Truth be told, I didn't come to this school for the grade, I came here to find God...Pretty sure we found each other :)

I hope someone else can relate to this cheesy blog!

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