Friday, May 2, 2014

The End of another School Year

The last few weeks of the school year never fail to stir up many emotions for college students. To start off with, finals are looming over your head. They are just about the only thing standing between you and summer vacation. As long as you can stick with it and give it your best, you will be home free to go swimming at the lake and sleep until 2:00 in the afternoon every day. It may take a few all-nighters or way too many cups of coffee to make it through, but somehow we manage to survive exam week each semester.

Besides finals, there is also the feeling deep down in your gut that things are about to change. Most of my friends here at Point have had different plans for every summer they’ve been at school. This is the same for me. Working a new job each summer has been exciting, unpredictable and irreplaceable.

This summer will be no different.

I have the incredible opportunity to represent the school I love in front of high school students across the state of Tennessee while working with the Christ in Youth conference. I cannot wait to begin this adventure, but I know that this summer will mean big changes. Friends, roommates and professors will all be stretched over many cities, states and even time zones for the three months of vacation. We will come back in August with weeks-worth of stories to catch up on. I am thankful that I have people in my life that will be missed over these next three months. This is proof that I have been invested in and cared for here at Point University.
As a junior, I have been all-ears to the graduating seniors recently. I am learning from their example as they finish up the school year and apply for jobs, because this step of life is right around the corner for me. It is sad to see friends that I have had for years go; however, it is wonderful to see God fulfilling his plans within them as they enter into what we college students like to call “the real world.” It is a scary transition for everyone, but having the right people around you can make the process much easier.

These people, your friends, will be the cheerleaders for you as you conquer each and every new task, like buying a car or having your first major interview. For my last year here at Point, I plan to keep investing in my own cheerleading squad, so that I can have the same support system that I am blessed to be a part of for this year’s graduating seniors.
Last night, at the Point Living Community, a group of girls gathered to listen to one of our cherished faculty members as she talked about how to view the future. As college students, the future is always at the fore-front of our thoughts. Where will I live when I graduate? Where will I work? How do I eat food that isn’t out of the cafeteria or a paper bag? Some questions are more serious than others, but nonetheless, they will always be there. No matter what stage of life, we must trust in the fact that we are right where God wants us. Change can be overwhelming; change can be scary, but God has his hand in every bit of it. I will rest in this knowledge throughout the summer and during my senior year. 

-Layna Winn

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