Wednesday, January 28, 2015


The time has come. War is about to break. That’s right, Point University Dorm Wars 2K15 is in the midst, and planning is in full swing. Students, brace yourselves, because this year the event is intended to be more intense than we’ve ever seen. Three jam-packed days of competing against your neighbors, taking part in building community, and incredible service opportunities will mark a week both students and staff will never forget!

Dorm Wars is a huge campus wide event that is held during spring semester each year, in which the entire student population is placed onto teams, based on the dorm they currently reside in. This reoccurring battle experience has not only been successful in connecting students into closer, Christ-centered communities, but also delivers an intense competitive atmosphere for both the excitement of our students and community alike.

This year, the Dorm Wars planning committee is hard at work to tackle the task of making this combat episode more extreme and exhilarating than it’s ever been in years past.

Point University, prepare yourself for the rivalry around the corner, because once the games begin, there’s no turning back. We’re on the verge of total crusade, including recreational struggles, such as the Warrior Triathlon and Extreme Dodgeball, and also occasions of mental races involving Dorm Feud, and the Skyhawk Scavenger Hunt. There’s a place for everyone to compete, and I hope to see you all on the front line when the unshakable fight begins. 

May the odds be ever in your favor.

Kati Williams

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