Monday, August 17, 2009


Hello Everyone!
My name is Dana and I'm a senior and an English major here at ACC. It's the night before move in day, and while I had a great summer, I can't wait to be back at school. This summer I worked on one of the school's PR teams. It was wonderful to have a summer job I truly enjoyed. I met some amazing students at the different camps we visited. Some of those students are attending ACC this year! After a month straight of working at different camps, I came home and left for two weeks in California. So I have had a pretty fantastic summer, but I'm very excited about tomorrow and the beginning of a new school year.
I'm living with three awesome roommates and I'm looking forward to fun times with the girls! I also can't wait to see all of my friends again and to meet new people. There are so many things happening at ACC, especially at the beginning of the school year, that give you a chance to hang out and meet new people. My youngest sister is in high school and yesterday she told my how bummed she was that school had started. She just looked at me when I told her I couldn't wait to get back to the routine of school.
I hope you are as excited as I am to start the new school year. My car is packed and I'm sitting here patiently (well not patiently) waiting to leave tomorrow. So I hope you enjoyed your summer and have a great start to the semester!

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