Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Sweaters

I can officially say I’m done with my classes for this semester, and it feels great!!! It’s been the hardest semester I’ve ever had, but since it’s over I have a huge sense of accomplishment. Now, it’s time to play! Call me crazy, but I love finals week. Now don’t get me wrong, no one likes tests and papers, but I’ve found almost everything is due the week before finals week, so the actual “finals week” itself is not so bad! Plus, everyone’s schedule is much more relaxed. You only have an actual class when you have your final, so there’s lots of free time and as a result lots of fun! Every finals week kicks off with a Midnight Breakfast. We really need to come up with a new name for it though because this year it started at 10pm; at least it made us laugh! This year’s started right after Sunday Night Live(our student led worship service every Sunday night). Because this was the last one before Christmas, we were all supposed to wear tacky Christmas Sweaters! As you can see, mine was pretty much the winner! We took pictures with Santa, made gingerbread houses, did Christmas Karaoke, and even had an awkward present wrapping contest! Right after SNL ended, it was time for the not so midnight breakfast. The professors came out to the school and cooked a special meal for us to give us a break from studying and get our last week off to a good start. One of my favorite things about Point is how great the professors are! They go above and beyond to pour into us as students even to the point of wearing aprons and plastic gloves to serve us French toast sticks! It was certainly a fun night! The rest of the week has been filled with Christmas parties, white elephant exchanges, LOTS of cookies, and plenty of merriment! Merry Christmas everyone! J

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