In college life there is always a time when things don't seem to ever go right or your way. you try to do all you can to prevent the bad things from happening, but it's not enough. With that comes the stress of trying to fix things, school work, family problems, friends, and other things. When you add these things to your load you suddenly realize you can't carry the load anymore, so you sit down until you find a way to carry your heavy load. that's not the way it should be though. Yes, we all will have heavy loads in life, but we don't have to carry the load on our own. In 1 Peter 5:7, it says, "Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." God is there ready for us to handle over our load of stress and anxieties whenever we are ready to do so. I recently did that! I was at a point where I was caring a heavy load and it was so heavy it brought me to my knees. Then finally it CLICKED, I needed to give it all to God. And when I gave Him my load, I immediately felt the weight of it lifted of my shoulders and felt God lift me back on to my feet. Maybe your at that point in life where you need to give God things in your own life and not worry about it anymore. Maybe you need to give God something in your life and realize that you have no control of it and that God is the only one you does. Give Him your load and the control.
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