Monday, September 30, 2013

Endowed Scholarship Banquet

           Yesterday evening about fifty Point University students were joined at the West Point Train Depot for dinner by a group of alumni and others who are passionate about our school. The occasion was one that happens every year around this time, the Endowed Scholarship Banquet. At this banquet, students have the opportunity to meet and say thank you to people whom they do not know that have invested so hugely in their education and their futures.
             The evening began with dinner and conversation; it was beautiful to see the typical generation barriers broken down throughout the evening. Students were laughing and cracking jokes with adults who attended Atlanta Christian College fifty years ago, and the adults were asking students about the change that is going on at Point and the excitement that comes along with it. The connections that were made were obviously God-designed. One of the donors and I were carrying on a conversation and realized that we had both worked at the same summer camp in college. To think that I can have so much in common with an older adult I have never met is something that I did not think was possible until last night. Never have I experienced such a quickly-formed bond between two generations.
            After dinner, three students went up to the microphone to share how much the scholarship money has impacted their lives. These students were Herani Tesfamariam, Curtis Zahner, and Shaun Horne. Each of them, along with many others, have arrived here at Point by God’s guidance and are able to stay here because of the generosity of others. From hearing the incredible stories of these students, the donors became overwhelmed with the work that God was doing through them. I looked to my right and saw a woman sitting next to me moved to tears because she believed so deeply in the cause of Point University.
            When the evening had ended, we were able to exchange goodbyes and addresses with these donors. For a short moment, current students and alumni were able to impact each other’s lives in an eternal way. I am so thankful for the willingness of these adults to give unselfishly to college students who could otherwise not attend Point University. They may not ever realize the positive impact that they have on the Kingdom, but we students will always be grateful.
-Layna Winn

(Left to Right: Curtis Zahner, Shaun Horne, President Dean Collins, Penny Collins, Layna Winn and Herani Tesfamariam)

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