Wednesday, August 27, 2014

This Changes Everything

Here at Point University, most of our students do some pretty cool things over the summer. Some of us work, and some of us travel on mission trips or go on vacation. Some of us work at different camps, YMCA’s or babysitting jobs. I got to do something a little different. I, along with Layna Winn 15’, Curtis Zehner 15’, and Shaun Horne 14’, got to represent Point University while working with an organization called Christ in Youth (CIY).
CIY is an organization whose mission is to amplify the call on students’ lives to become kingdom workers through trips, events and resources. CIY coordinates, develops and produces programs, events and trips for students in grades four through college throughout the U.S. and the world. They also develop resources that benefit student ministry in the local church. This is the second summer in a row that I worked with their high school event which is called MOVE. MOVE is a little different than your average high school camp. It has more of a conference type of feel. There are hundreds of students that show up with their churches to these different events. My role there was what they call a Bible College Representative (BC Rep for short.)They have multiple weeks all across the country, but my team and I worked five of the weeks in Tennessee.
When I was in high school, my youth minister took us to MOVE every year. It has been a huge part of my walk with Christ. MOVE changed my life and I got the opportunity to watch it change thousands of teenagers’ lives for five weeks straight.
As BC Reps we did a wide variety of things. We did anything from being referees at the different tournaments held each week, to running cameras or lyrics during the main session and everything in between. While doing all these things we had one main goal: to build relationships with students. Through those relationships, we would share the love we have for Point University. My team and I hoped and prayed that the students would see how much we loved and cared for them through the way that we served them and represented Point while ultimately representing Christ.
This summer I worshipped, learned, laughed and cried with high school students. I got the chance to show them Christ’s love while telling them about the university that show’s me and teaches me about Christ’s love every single day. The theme for MOVE this summer was “This Changes Everything.” The students learned how the resurrection really does change everything so it was no surprise that I got to watch thousands of students’ lives change. I met incredible people and made awesome connections while working alongside my amazing team. I’m so thankful and honored that I got to represent Point this summer. It really was a great summer and it was an experience that I will never forget. 

-Herani  16’

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