Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Getting Ready to Teach

As I am starting my new teaching block for the teacher education program, nerves and butterflies are starting to happen all at once. Not to mention all the work and time that is about to be put in, that in the end will be all worth it. Getting into the teaching program is not easy. You have to be the one that is always on top of your work and also organized. Assignments are always being added every day; it’s something that can be overwhelming at first, but you get the hang of it.

One thing that I had to do to be able to enter in the program is take the GACE entrance exam. That was the main obstacle I had to overcome. The next thing was that I had to have a certain grade point average, like I said I had to be on top of my assignments and test. In the end it has been such a rewarding experience to be able to get in the program.
Another thing that I have enjoyed about the teaching program is all my involvement I get in the community and classroom. One of my first classes I had to come up with a family fun day at the library. It was really neat getting to see all the different ages and see how they work with each other. Also, I got to be in the classroom twice already. The first time I got to just observe how pre-k children learn, and that in itself was an interesting and amusing experience. The second thing that I got to do was mentor a little girl. This was defiantly a memorable experience for me. I got to get to know her personally over a 10 week span, and also help her in anything that she needed to improve on. Over the 10 week span, I could tell that I made a difference in her life. She was always excited to see me, and was always ready to learn. I tried my best to make it as fun as I could.

As I go into this coming year of my program I am getting more nervous as I get closer to my time to actually teach. I am being prepared by such an awesome group of professors who push me to strive to the best of my abilities. I am ready to make a difference in a child’s life as well as invest in them all the knowledge I can. This year is going to be a big step for me. As I go into this year I pray that I can be a light to these children and do what God has called me to do.    

Down below are a few pictures from the family day I helped put together. Our topic was Helen Keller. As you can see in the pictures, the children blindfolded are trying to feel what objects they had. We also did smell and taste!

-Haley Whitley

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